Make: Toyota
Model: Platz
Mileage: 65 000 Kms
Year: 1999
Type of car: 4-door
VIN Number: 0
Condition: Used
Toyota Platz
Year Model- 1999
Reg Year- 2003
Mirpur B.R.T.A .All paper’s ok. Owner also available.
Color- Green
C.N.G- No
Option: Ice Cool Ac, Air bag, auto gear, Power steering, All Auto, Alloy & New Tyre, etc.
Look like a new condition car. Family used car. No More work denting and panting. Only for smart and stylish family.
For more details please call or visit our showroom.
Good car buy good price.
Showroom: Yasna Cars
41 Green Road, Beside of Green Life Hospital. 0poside of rupsha community centre.Dhaka
Contact: 01731-147766, 01913-474725 & 02-9615411
“If you want to check anything you can take this car to any automobile analyzing center”
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